Create Your Wireless Keypad PIN (Personal Identification Number)
On your wireless keypad:
On the power head:
NOTE: If the door does not move, check the LED on the keypad. If the LED is blinking rapidly, the PIN was entered incorrectly. After the LED stops blinking, re-enter your PIN ad try again. Any keypad button will control the door for 30 seconds after the door starts moving. Rapid blinking of the red LED indicates an error. After a few seconds the LED will turn off. Start over.
Proceed to the Mounting Instructions.
All garage door openers will use the same PIN.
On the wireless keypad:
On your garage door opener power head:
NOTE: If the door does not move, check the LED on the keypad. If the LED is blinking rapidly, the PIN was entered incorrectly. After the LED stops blinking, re-enter your PIN ad try again. Any keypad button will control the door for 30 seconds after the door starts moving. Rapid blinking of the red LED indicates an error. After a few seconds the LED will turn off. Start over.
Proceed to the Mounting Instructions
The keypad must be mounted in sight of the door(s), at least 5 feet above the ground and clear of any moving door parts. Mounting screws are located inside the battery compartment.
A temporary PIN allows temporary access to your home by repair persons, meter readers, etc.
NOTE: Do NOT reprogram the garage door opener(s). Temporary PIN remains active only until the next time your normal PIN is entered.
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